Parts-wholes 2 is the second of a series of video sculpture works. A cube made of video screens shows a tangle of impressions seen all at once. The videos show low-wage living conditions and labour in Orlando, Florida. The screens show environments in the hospitality industry, mainly the hotel rooms where people work as housekeepers and hotel staff, as well as motels where the people working in the hotels, theme parks and restaurants live because they cannot afford to rent an apartment on their wages, while many of these employees resort to sleeping in their cars. All the activity on the screens has no sound, stifling the cubes in a frustrated silence. In the hotel spaces, the videos contemplate them as high-priced commodities while we observe other high-security tourist spaces such as the airport. The video cubes, held together by metal bars, are sculptural forms that figuratively actualize the real abstractions of exchange, but they inevitably can only ever do this inadequately. Can we find ways to discuss how the exchange of labours and commodities give rise to impersonal domination in capitalism and how this diffuse web results in countless individual economic hardships? Parts-wholes 2 attempts something impossible to visualize but nevertheless it manifests a hint of the harmful social synthesis of exchange that holds capitalist societies together.